Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My CVS Trip: 4/20/2010

I also went to CVS today.

I picked up the resusable bag tag for $1, and got the $1 ECB back.

They were out of the free Thermacare heat wraps at the Rayford/Sawdust location.

I bought 4 13 oz bags of Hershey's Miniatures at $3/bag and got a $5 ECB back. I plan to submit the receipt for my free movie Ticket. Total cost: $7 for 4 13 oz bags of chocolate and a movie ticket!

Clearance was at 90% off so I picked up quite a few baskets filled with toys and candy. I took out the candy and toys this afternoon, so if anyone wants the baskets, let me know. I don't need them, and I would be happy to pass them on. All the baskets came out to $0.79 - $1.79 after the discount. Some of the toys look low quality, some look high (like the 3 bubble kits I got for $1.29 total). I also got 3 sets of themed temporary tattoos for a $0.25 a piece (counts between 40 and 75).

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