Monday, July 9, 2012

Fwd: ELIZABETH, here is your OfficeMax receipt for 07-09-2012 16:07:24

Here is my deal finding brag for the day! I love finding cheap colored Dry Erase Markers.
I couldn't find the stickies that they had for a $1. They also are offering if a promo where if you spend $5 you get free folders.

We also go through a lot of glue sticks in our house, so I am happy to shop ahead.

This is the official start of school supply season. I usually stock up on office supplies for the year between now and September. Watch and know the prices. Not everything is a deal and better deals are expected around the first week in August. Prices vary from store to store and week by week.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <eReceipts

OfficeMax #806


011491009991                     $2.00  
 Glue Stick Washable 4pk   
 Deal 210860121 Savings        ($1.75)  
 Promo Discount Limit 3
                   YOU PAY       $0.25  

011491009991                     $2.00  
 Glue Stick Washable 4pk   
 Deal 210860121 Savings        ($1.75)  
 Promo Discount Limit 3
                   YOU PAY       $0.25  

011491009991                     $2.00  
 Glue Stick Washable 4pk   
 Deal 210860121 Savings        ($1.75)  
 Promo Discount Limit 3
                   YOU PAY       $0.25  

071641300019                     $8.29  
 Sharpie Fine Black 12 pack
 Coupon   21471021070812       ($7.29)  
 Promo Discount Limit 1
                   YOU PAY       $1.00  

034138599488                     $5.99  
 EnduraGlide Mrkr Fine Asst
 Coupon   21212021070812       ($4.99)  
                   YOU PAY       $1.00  

034138599488                     $5.99  
 EnduraGlide Mrkr Fine Asst
 Coupon   21212021070812       ($4.99)  
                   YOU PAY       $1.00  

       TOTAL SAVINGS     ($22.52)       

SubTotal                         $3.75
Tax 8.250%                       $0.31
TOTAL                            $4.06

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